当前国内新型冠状病毒感染肺炎疫情形势严峻,泰国也已发现多例确诊病例并升级公共卫生紧急状态为3级。为配合打赢疫情防控狙击战,保障所有展商及参会人员的安全和健康,经与泰国展馆方全力协调,主办方决定:原定于2020年3月11-13日在泰国曼谷国际贸易会展中心(BITEC)举办的“第五届泰国国际橡胶技术及轮胎展(Global Rubber,Latex and Tire Expo 2020)”及展会相关活动延期至2020年7月8-10日。
Dear exhibitors, visitors, guests and participants,
Due to the spread of the novel coronavirus pneumonia in Thailand, the Thai government has upgraded the public health emergency to level 3. In order to ensure the safety and health of all exhibitors and participants, we decide to postpone Global Rubber, Latex and Tire Expo 2020 (GRTE 2020) which is originally scheduled to be held during March 11-13, 2020 at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC).
The new date is 8-10 July 2020. We appreciate your consistent trust and support and will continue the preparation work and show information updating with our full efforts.
Let’s stick together to get through this tough time and we look forward to a better GRTE 2020 at Bangkok this July.
TechnoBiz Communications Co., Ltd